JOI – Nervous System Formula #1 (Can be used with ESE and TOP)

The ‘J.E.T. Set’ – Joi, EsE & Top

  • Ingredients

Siberian Ginseng, White Willow Bark, Mint, Silver Flower, Yeuan Wu Root, Chuan-Xiong Root, Angelica Root, Golden Bell Fruit

  • Description

The name JOI is short for joints, helping us remember that this is a food in capsule form, to nourish our skeletal and muscular system – simply a food to nourish bones and muscles. There are a lot of people who ache, and this is a great food to nourish these two systems. It is great to eat if one is injured, like a broken bone or bruised from an accident. May also give relief from arthritic degenerative conditions in the spinal column. Certainly one of life’s “joys” is to live without the stress of body pain. JOI nourishes the body’s ability to soothe soreness and tension in the entire frame – from the neck down. JOI feels, to many, like a “natural muscle relaxant”.

  • How to Eat Joi:

JOI is very powerful. 1 to 2 capsules at a time is often sufficient. Complements TOP and ESE. For serious repair from injuries, include SportsCaps and Sunrise

  • Summary of Benefits: Focus on Joint and Muscle Pain

Relief of pain and discomfort in muscles, bones, and joints

  • These formulae are also known as The “JET” Set – JOI, ESE, TOP

These 3 nervous system formulas descend from ancient formulas designed to enhance powers of concentration. When eaten in conjunction with Sunrider’s basic menu platform, the JOI, ESE and TOP help to balance us more mentally, and spiritually, has become still more in harmony with those around us and with nature. These herbal formulas are a unique fusion of herb menus, which the Chinese are typically eat to enhance an overall gumption of well-being. These formulas feed processes related to focus and concentration. Focus and concentration come from the asset we might call mental stillness, which essentially barricades us against occasions that might otherwise perturb and distract us, like aching. A still and focused psyche lets us center keenly during periods of undertaking, hitherto sleep calmly during periods of rest.

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What JOI has done for me: JOI has no taste as I take it with food on a daily basis. I used to be more of an anxious person and now I feel normal and calm every day with the use of taking JOI.

Several years ago, I had stopped by at my fellow Sunrider’s place to get some information
and try a new product I was interested in called JOI. Of course, it wasn’t new to Sunrider, as they had had it for years, but I never tried it before. I started with 2 capsules of JOI per day and I did this for about 5 days to 1 and a half weeks. I had fewer pains and aches in my muscles. Then I decided to up the amount to 4 capsules per day. I remember I was driving down the 401 at the time after completing a job in Kitchener, Ontario. Not long after I took the 4 capsules, I had a smile on my face which lasted the rest of the day. I thought, what the heck? Could this be the effect of 4 capsules instead of 2? I took 4 capsules continuously thereafter and every day I felt normal. Normal as a person could be. Happier, calmer, not anxious, relaxed, smiling. It was wonderful. To this day I still take 4 capsules of JOI per day and still calm, more relaxed. After Sunrider re-done their website, I found that JOI has a calming effect on the nervous system. Lol Who knew? He actually has it listed under sleep aid lol. Also, but what I did notice as well is more muscle mass. I have more muscle mass now then I did when I was 30 years old!! Thank you, Sunrider for making my days easier to deal with!

Click on the link below if you want to order some Calli tea or JOI through me. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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